Description: Adds a bunch of new banners
Description: Addon to Embers+Aetherworks, allowing you to enhance Embers gear with aetherium
Description: Addon to Embers, adding a new resource and tech and tools based on it
Description: Adds a book that can morph into any other mod documentation book
Description: Provides a craftable atlas that enables a map screen
Config changes:
Description: Provides UI for the vanilla saturation and exhaustion mechanics
Description: A robust, high-tech storage mod
Description: ArchitectureCraft provides a wide variety of good-looking architectural features including sloped roofs, glazable window frames, arches and other rounded blocks, classical pillars and entablatures, and railings for balconies and stairways
Description: Artifacts is a mod which aims to make exploration more rewarding by adding various powerful items that cannot be crafted
Description: Astral Sorcery is a magic mod focused around harnessing the powers of starlight and the constellations
Config changes:
Description: Addon to Antique Atlas, adding some extra information and cross-mod integration
Disabled config:
Description: Raises internal caps on entity attributes
Description: An Egyptian/desert-themed dimension mod
Description: Vazkii's utility library mod
Description: A library used for adding extra equipment slots to players
Description: Provides HUD elements displaying equipped baubles
Description: Improves the Advancements UI/UX
Description: A mod packing a handful of performance enhancements
Description: Spiritual successor to Witchery
Description: Adds a large variety of biomes with their own flora
Description: Adds a variety of 'framed' blocks which can take on the texture of any other block
Description: Bookshelf is a library mod which adds a lot of re-usable code
Description: Botania is essentially a tech mod disguised as a nature-magic mod
Description: A mod adding a variety of useful, magical baubles
Description: The Carrots Library contains the shared code used by the The_Wabbit's Minecraft FORGE mods
Description: Addon to Chisel, adding a variety of cathedral-themed blocks
Description: Texelsaur's utility library mod
Description: svenhjol's highly configurable vanilla+, quirk, fix, and tweak mod
Disabled items:
Future MC
)Config changes:
Description: asie's highly configurable vanilla+, quirk, fix, and tweak mod
We're using the STABLE
profile as a baseline.
Additional modules enabled:
Disabled functionality:
: due to Quark
implementing the same functionalityDescription: asie's coremod patch complement to Charset
Description: A mod that adds a chunkloader
Description: Chinese Workshop is a decorative mod which contains some Chinese-styled building blocks
Description: Adds a huge variety of decorative blocks, mostly accessible by chiseling existing blocks
Description: Lets you create custom blocks by breaking down and recombining bits of other blocks
Description: Overhauled, more realistic biome placement
Config changes:
Description: Groups XP orbs together on the ground to minimize lag, and makes picking them *all* up on contact instant
Description: Contains libraries for 3D math and transformations, model rendering, packets, config, colours, asm and a few other things
Description: Adds extra bed types with altered behavior
Description: A mod allowing resource packs to implement connected textures
Description: Construct's Armory is an add-on mod for Tinkers' Construct that adds four armor items: Helmet, Chestplate, Leggings, and Boots
Config changes:
Description: Allows you to search for keybinds by name, show conflicts, and show unbound keys
Description: Provides for highly configurable death behaviour
Description: Allows you to use different armour for display than what you are wearing for stats/effects
Description: Allows customising a modpack using a scripting language
Description: Adds button to rotate, balance, and clear crafting grids
Description: A relatively small mod that spawns in structures where you can fight bosses from earlier versions of Thaumcraft
Description: The main goal of this mod is to provide a high level of detail and care to the architectural dimension of Minecraft so we decided to give you all the tools to reproduce everything needed for a house : walls, shutters, tiles, chimney, balcony, beams, floors, stairs, reinforced walls, outside lamps, etc.
Description: Tracks player death counts
Description: Dings when Minecraft finishes loading
Description: Adds JEI information tabs to many mods' items
Description: Addon to Chisels & Bits and Storage Drawers, integrating the two to provide convenient bit storage and access
Description: This mod is the unofficial version of Modbder's mod, DummyCore, with some changes and fixes
Description: Enhances and adds environmental cosmetic effects
Description: Adds earthen and ancient-inspired building materials
Description: Adds alternate building/block placement mods
Description: A dwarven magi-tech mod
Description: All the Tinkers' stuff in Embers
Description: Allows players to have full control over enchanting, at the cost of much higher XP usage
Description: Enchantment Descriptions is a light weight client-side mod which adds descriptions of enchantments to the tooltips of enchanted books
Description: Allows you to use silk touch pickaxe to pick up monster spawners
Description: Allows tweaking creeper explosion behaviour
Config changes:
Description: Ensures every end dragon killed drops an egg
Description: Highly configurable mod that allows you to burn essentia from jars, phials or crystals to fuel a brazier that slowly creates research curiosities. The aim is to make the research minigame of Thaumcraft slightly easier and more varied
Description: Allows setting *exact* spawn coordinates
Description: Addon to Chisels & Bits, adding a extra bit manipulation tools
Description: Adds a bunch of decorative hanging lights
Description: Improves the performance of furnace entities
Description: Improves the performance of workbench entities
Description: Look straight down to go down the ladder faster. Look straight up to go up the ladder faster.
Description: Allows players to jump over fences without needing a height boost
Description: asie's performance-enhancing mod
Description: Utility library for all Endertech mods
Description: Backports blocks and items from future MC versions
Description: Adds Extra Utilities-inspired glasses
Description: Guidebook is a library/mod that adds customizable books
Description: Provides information on what you're looking at
Description: Utility mod that contains really useful code for quite a few mods
Disabled items:
vanilla improvements/Always Spawn Dragon Egg
: Content overlap with EqualDragons
Description: Tweaks horse behaviour, and adds various magical saddle upgrades
Config changes:
Description: Backports swimming, crawling, and sneaking to 1.12
Description: Incorporeal is a Botania addon that adds more things for corporea networks, Botania's item storage and transport system
Description: Infinite Trading is a minimalistic mod which prevents villager trades from locking up, making them always available and allowing infinite trading
Description: Allows giving the player a set of configurable items on first spawn
Description: KnightMiner's highly configurable vanilla+, quirk, fix, and tweak mod
Disabled modules:
: it's nowhere near Christmaspipe
: due to plenty of other item movement systems being aroundDescription: Adds useful inventory management functionality
Description: Adds typical, Iron Age style furniture to Minecraft, and to be compatible with as many different mods which provide new wood types as possible
Description: Displays a large version of any block hovered over in the inventory
Description: In-game item and recipe viewer
Description: Adds information on ores, drops, and dungeon loot to JEI
Description: Adds a variety of new torches to the game
Description: JustEnoughIDs is a lightweight mod that removed the block, item, biome, potion, and enchantment ID limits by using the 1.13 chunk format in 1.12
Description: Kiwi is a Minecraft library mod which adds utilities for developers
Description: Adds a variety of furniture items to the game
Description: Generates very rare, very large deposits of ores
Description: LibNine is a big ol' library mod that provides boilerplate functionality for other mods
Description: A generic mod development library
Description: Adds a handful of useful Thaumcraft tools
Description: A multipart block API
Description: A library for minetweaker/craftweaker addons
Description: This simple mod adds small variations of bridges
Description: Adds a variety of new doors
Description: Adds a variety of furniture blocks
Description: Adds a variety of roofing blocks
Description: Adds a variety of window blocks
Description: Magical Psi replaces every visual asset and description of Psi with a magic themed counterpart
Description: Slime Knights' utility library mod
Description: A better implementation of Iron Chests
Description: Provides a variety of cross-mod integrations
Description: Mod Name Tooltip shows which mod an ItemStack came from on its tooltip
Description: More Mystcraft is a collection of miscellaneous additions to the mod Mystcraft
Description: This mods adds some of the overlays from NEI, including the light-level overlay
Description: Mouse Tweaks replaces the standard RMB dragging mechanic, adds two new LMB dragging mechanics and an ability to quickly move items with the scroll wheel
Description: Myst Library is a shared library for use with Mystcraft add-ons and the Mystcraft API
Description: Mystcraft is a recreation of the lore of the Myst series in Minecraft. It allows for the writing of and travel to new dimensions, called Ages
Description: Prevents BOP biomes from spawning in Mystcraft worlds, as they have issues there
Description: An small and configurable addon to Mystcraft that provides tooltips on symbol pages
Description: Adds JEI support to various Mystcraft things
Description: This mod library adds the basics of a mechanical power system
Description: Adds a variety of worldgen and content features in support of Roots
Config changes:
Description: elucent_'s utility library mod
Description: Natural Pledge opens up a more player-oriented side of Botania, giving the player tools to fight and tools to build
Description: Nature's Compass is a utility item that allows you to search for a biome's location anywhere in the world and view information about it
Config changes:
Description: Ensures you go back out the same portal you came in :o
Description: Portable tents containing pocket dimensions
Config changes:
Description: OreCruncher's utility library mod
Description: This mod allows armor values over 20 to be displayed as different colored icons
Description: Adds JEI support to various Mystcraft things
Description: Lets you click-through signs, banners, item frames, and paintings to access chests/etc. behind them
Description: Implements data-driven in-game documentation books, for mods and modpacks
Description: This is a lightweight mod project which hugely improves performance and blocklag
Description: Performance-focused lighting improvements
Description: This mod allows you to place Minecraft items (Crouch+Right Click) as 3D models
Description: Shadows_of_Fire's utility library mod
Description: Planar Artifice is a Addon for Thaumcraft 6 focused around dimensional manipulation and expansion of the broad field of alchemy
Description: Nice additions to worldgen, decorative blocks, and some minor mechanics changes
Description: Psi is a mod about spell programming, inspired by Mahouka
Config changes:
Description: Vazkii's highly configurable vanilla+, quirk, fix, and tweak mod
Config changes:
Tweaks/Improved Sleeping
: only 50% of the players on the server need to be
in bed to trigger sleepingTweaks/Sign Editing
: Disabled in favour of click-through signsDisabled functionality:
: due to Inspirations
implementing the same functionalityManagement/Inventory Sorting
: due to InventoryTweaks
implementing the
same functionalityMiscellaneous/Snow Golem Player Heads
: too derpDescription: Vazkii's player-focused-design addon to Quark
Disabled modules:
Wearable Backpacks
)Config changes:
Description: RandomConfigs is a utility mod that allows you to set default configurations, gamerules, difficulties, world borders
Description: A bundle of configurable, miscellaneous patches for Minecraft
Description: Lets you re-auth your session from within the client, without re-launching
Description: Less-derp, somewhat more realistic terrain generator
Description: A mod adding a variety of useful, magical artifacts
Disabled items:
Description: A druidic magic mod
Description: A medieval-themed vanilla+ mod
Description: An addon for Rustic and Biomes O Plenty that adds tables and chairs for all the BOP wood types
Description: A cross-compatability mod that adds Rustic furniture crafted with Thaumcraft wood, as well as aspects to Rustic's items
Description: Addon to Bewitchment and Rustic, integrating the two with new booze and decorative blocks
Description: Provides Kotlin APIs for Forge
Description: Adds a bunch of new lights to the game
Description: A skyblock is a piece of the sky you can bring home
Description: Lets you place snow on stairs and slabs
Description: Addon to Embers, with additional mechanics and machines
Description: Adds a storage system focused around drawers with GUIless interactivity
Description: This adds drawer variants for all the wood types of quite a few popular mods and a few lesser-known ones as well
Description: Tiny mod that tries to eliminate those kind of situations when "I wanted to hit the mob, not the grass". Now you can hit mobs behind the grass!
Description: A library mod that also provides fast leaf decay
Description: The main aim of this addon is to make TC more interesting in terms of game progression and more rewarding in terms of difficulty
Description: A medieval-themed vanilla+ mod
Config changes:
Description: A plethora of additions to Thaumcraft
Description: Thaumic Augmentation is a Thaumcraft addon for Minecraft 1.12 that tries to add new content that would fit in with the base mod
Description: Adds a variety of new Thaumcraft tools and content
Description: This mod lets you scan items in your inventory for aspects without having to drop them on the ground first
Description: A JEI and Thaumcraft addon that displays thaumcraft recipes in JEI
Description: Adds some Thaumcraft mod integrations, and renderings for Thaumcraft baubles
Description: Hacks on Thaumcraft internals to improve performance
Description: Adds a bunch of new Thaumcraft content
Description: Add more tooltips for Thaumcraft in Waila
Description: Adds a new dimension called The Aurorian, an eternal night forest, filled with magical plants and forgotten ruins
Description: Tinkers' Construct is a mod about putting tools together in a wide variety of ways, then modifying them until they turn into something else
Config changes:
Description: A brand-new and shiny Tinkers' Construct addon that gives you some real variety in your tool construction
Description: Allows customising the toast notification popups
Description: Adds a toolbelt item for storing quick-swappable tools
Description: Just a simple mod to stop farmland form getting trampled
Description: Adds a trash slot to survival inventories
Description: Twilight Forest is a dimension exploration mod focused on adventure that will take you on a journey meeting strange creatures, exploring dungeons, and much more than able to be listed
Description: Standardizes the output of oredict recipes
Description: By combining a Book and Leather, you can make yourself your own little book that will contain pages on all mobs that can ever be found in your world
Description: Unlimited Chisel Works is a Minecraft mod which adds procedurally generated Chisel variants for various blocks provided by other mods
Description: oitsjustjose's collection of vanilla+ features and tweaks
Config changes:
Disabled items:
Description: Adds additional uses for vanilla foodstuffs
Description: Various performance/bug/annoyance fixes
Description: Adds items that let you search, pull, and craft from nearby storage inventories
Description: Adds fluid containers in sizes convenient for working with Tinkers' Construct liquid metals
Description: Hooks into HWYLA to provide additional information
Description: A client-side add-on for Waila or Hwyla that adds information about the harvestability of what you are looking at
Description: Allows jumping off of walls
Description: WanionCane's utility library mod
Description: Adds wearable backpack storage items
Config changes:
Description: Makes wither skull farming less of a gigantic grind
Description: A spell-focused magic mod
Description: Generates extensive, continuous, nearly unending cave systems