Description: Abnormals Core is a mod library developed for easily accessing code which is shared across most Minecraft Abnormals mods
Description: This mod adds additional bars to the game
Description: This mod adds many new lights
Description: Air Hop adds a single fully fletched out enchantment by the same name for jumping multiple times; and all of that while in mid-air
Description: Adds a book that can morph into any other mod documentation book
Description: This mod adds ambient color noise to the biome colors of the game
Description: Provides UI for the vanilla saturation and exhaustion mechanics
Description: A robust, high-tech storage mod
Description: Aquaculture 2 expands the fishing system in Minecraft with over 30 new fish to catch
Description: Artifacts is a mod which aims to make exploration more rewarding by adding various powerful items that cannot be crafted
Description: Astral Sorcery is a magic mod focused around harnessing the powers of starlight and the constellations
Description: Atmospheric adds a series of a unique biomes
Description: Raises internal caps on entity attributes
Description: An Egyptian/desert-themed dimension mod
Description: Vazkii's utility library mod
Description: Autumnity adds in a new biome featured around Autumn along with new blocks, items, effects, and snails
Description: This mod adds in new building blocks to use: Bamboo Planks, Thatch, Bamboo Torches, and more
Description: Beacons For All is a mod that allows beacons to affect more than just players
Description: Bedspreads is a mod that allows players to add banner patterns to their beds, kind of like what they can already do with shields
Description: Improves the Advancements UI/UX
Description: Adds a large variety of biomes with their own flora
Description: Bookshelf is a library mod which adds a lot of re-usable code
Description: Bountiful is a mod centered around a single block called the Bounty Board, and items which appear within: Bounties!
Description: A mod adding a variety of useful, magical baubles
Description: Adds a bunch of new and unique building and decoration blocks while trying to keep in the vanilla style of Minecraft
Description: Buzzier Bees expands upon the 1.15 "Buzzy Bees" update adding in new building blocks, items, flowers, and much more
Description: Caelus is a small utility mod that abstracts the hardcoded vanilla elytra behavior into a more generic elytra flight attribute and exposes this to mod developers seeking to implement elytra flight for their own mods
Description: This mod adds a working camera item and a frame for the images
Description: The Carrots Library contains the shared code used by the The_Wabbit's Minecraft FORGE mods
Description: svenhjol's highly configurable vanilla+, quirk, fix, and tweak mod
Description: Adds Ambient biome sound effects, Underground sound effects and additional background music
Description: A mod that adds a chunkloader
Description: Chinese Workshop is a decorative mod which contains some Chinese-styled building blocks
Description: This mod provides a chunk loader block
Description: A client-side Forge mod that removes all fog, on a per-dimension basis
Description: Cloth Config API is a config screen api
Description: Groups XP orbs together on the ground to minimize lag, and makes picking them *all* up on contact instant
Description: Contains libraries for 3D math and transformations, model rendering, packets, config, colours, asm and a few other things
Description: Collective is a shared library with common code for all of Serilum's mods
Description: Colytra is a mod that adds the ability to attach an elytra to any chestplate you want, allowing you to reap the benefits of having an elytra without sacrificing the ability to wear your cool-looking armor
Description: Adds extra bed types with altered behavior
Description: A mod allowing resource packs to implement connected textures
Description: Adds support for playing Minecraft with a controller
Description: Allows you to search for keybinds by name, show conflicts, and show unbound keys
Description: Code library: access transformer, helpers and registries
Description: Adds a cooking book along with a functional kitchen to Minecraft.
Description: Provides for highly configurable death behaviour
Description: Allows you to use different armour for display than what you are wearing for stats/effects
Description: Allows customising a modpack using a scripting language
Description: Adds button to rotate, balance, and clear crafting grids
Description: A mod offering a variety of tools and blocks for Building, Decoration and Aesthetic Automation
Description: Curios is a flexible and expandable accessory/equipment API
Description: Adds a globally-loaded datapack folder
Description: Tracks player death counts
Description: A small mod that adds several new decorative blocks
Description: Dimensional Dungeons adds limitless procedurally generated dungeons to Minecraft, accessible through crafted portals
Description: Dings when Minecraft finishes loading
Description: Double Doors is a minimalistic mod which adds the ability for identical double doors, trapdoors and fence gates to be opened simultaneously
Description: Druidcraft is a druid-themed mod that is in an extremely early stage
Description: Adds alternate building/block placement mods
Description: A mod that adds decorative blocks and items
Description: Adds colour-coded ender chests, tanks, and portable ender pouches
Description: The focus of The Endergetic Expansion's is to improve every aspect of the end
Description: Enhanced Mushrooms turns mushrooms, a usually somewhat-useless item, into a couple of brand new wood types
Description: Allows tweaking creeper explosion behaviour
Description: Ensures every end dragon killed drops an egg
Description: A mod that adds a lot of lights
Description: Adds a bunch of decorative hanging lights
Description: A simple Minecraft Forge mod that speeds up leaf decay after you cut down the wood in a tree
Description: Improves the performance of furnace entities
Description: Improves the performance of workbench entities
Description: Look straight down to go down the ladder faster. Look straight up to go up the ladder faster.
Description: Utility library for all Endertech mods
Description: Adds Extra Utilities-inspired glasses
Description: Provides information on what you're looking at
Description: Immersive Engineering is a tech mod with a certain charm, based on the ideas and concepts, and with most assets created by Damien Hazard
Description: This mod allows you to have very tall posts with some different types to choose from, instead of just the Treated-Wood, Aluminum and Steel variants
Description: Infinite Trading is a minimalistic mod which prevents villager trades from locking up, making them always available and allowing infinite trading
Description: Allows giving the player a set of configurable items on first spawn
Description: KnightMiner's highly configurable vanilla+, quirk, fix, and tweak mod
Description: This mod unifies automatically dropped items and items in your inventory according to OreDictionary
Description: Adds useful inventory management functionality
Description: Adds larger tiers of chests and shulker boxes
Description: Displays a large version of any block hovered over in the inventory
Description: This mod adds CraftTweaker support for Just Enough Items, such as the ability to hide items, hide categories and add JEI descriptions items
Description: In-game item and recipe viewer
Description: Adds information on ores, drops, and dungeon loot to JEI
Description: Kiwi is a Minecraft library mod which adds utilities for developers
Description: Provides a way to compile and load Kotlin-based mods into the game
Description: Generates very rare, very large deposits of ores
Description: Provides users with an NEI-like light level overlay on pressing F7
Description: This simple mod adds small variations of bridges
Description: Adds a variety of new doors
Description: Adds a variety of furniture blocks
Description: Adds a variety of roofing blocks
Description: Adds a variety of new trapdoors
Description: Adds a variety of window blocks
Description: Adds a feather that grants the player creative flight while within the range of an active vanilla Beacon
Description: Slime Knights' utility library mod
Description: Mapper Base is a library mod that provides basic elements and functionalities for other mods
Description: A high-tech tech mod
Description: Mekanism Additions is an official addon to Mekanism that adds some more miscellaneous features to Mekanism
Description: Mekanism Generators is an official addon to Mekanism that adds various generators and ways to produce energy
Description: Mekanism Tools is an official addon to Mekanism that adds Tools and Armor for various Mekanism materials, and some vanilla ones
Description: A town/NPC management mod
Description: This is a Minecolonies Resource Pack including a lot of citizen voice sounds
Description: MixinBootstrap is a temporary way of booting Mixin in a MinecraftForge production environment
Description: Mod Name Tooltip shows which mod an ItemStack came from on its tooltip
Description: Mouse Tweaks replaces the standard RMB dragging mechanic, adds two new LMB dragging mechanics and an ability to quickly move items with the scroll wheel
Description: This mod adds in what Minecraft has been missing for years, furniture!
Description: Adds a variety of worldgen and content features in support of Roots
Description: elucent_'s utility library mod
Description: Nature's Compass is a utility item that allows you to search for a biome's location anywhere in the world and view information about it
Description: Ensures you go back out the same portal you came in :o
Description: Portable tents containing pocket dimensions
Description: ObserverLib is a library mod, usable to reliably observe block changes in a potentially large area with very little performance implication
Description: A magic mod focused around summoning and utilising demons
Description: Oh The Biomes You'll Go is an exploration and adventure mod designed to take you on a road trip across Minecraft like no other, covering over 70 biomes
Description: Graphical and performance improvements
Description: Ornamental aims to give you various decorative blocks of existing blocks with little freedom of shape
Description: This mod allows armor values over 20 to be displayed as different colored icons
Description: A mod that adds Curio-compatible backpacks to the game
Description: This mod removes collision from leaves and reduce the damage when falling into leaves
Description: Lets you click-through signs, banners, item frames, and paintings to access chests/etc. behind them
Description: Implements data-driven in-game documentation books, for mods and modpacks
Description: This is a lightweight mod project which hugely improves performance and blocklag
Description: Performance-focused lighting improvements
Description: Shadows_of_Fire's utility library mod
Description: Nice additions to worldgen, decorative blocks, and some minor mechanics changes
Description: Psi is a mod about spell programming, inspired by Mahouka
Description: Vazkii's highly configurable vanilla+, quirk, fix, and tweak mod
Description: Vazkii's player-focused-design addon to Quark
Description: RandomConfigs is a utility mod that allows you to set default configurations, gamerules, difficulties, world borders
Description: A bundle of configurable, miscellaneous patches for Minecraft
Description: Allows you to re-authenticate from within the game client itself
Description: A mod adding a variety of useful, magical artifacts
Description: RAD is a simple, client-side only mod which allows you to reload the audio driver / sound library by pressing F3 + R
Description: A lightweight mod to prevent strongholds from being torn up by underground caves, ravines - anything
Description: Scannable provides a scanner item that can survey the nearby area for points of interest
Description: Provides a method to forcibly regenerate serverconfig files after world creation
Description: Set World Spawn is a minimalistic configurable mod which allows setting an exact custom spawn point
Description: Adds a bunch of new lights to the game
Description: Adds tea :o
Description: Adds a storage system focused around drawers with GUIless interactivity
Description: Strange is an add-on mod for Charm that adds exploration, adventure and treasure to Minecraft without dramatically altering the vanilla playstyle
Description: This mod adds a compass for each Vanilla structure
Description: A library and toolset for large-scale world editing
Description: Adds new trees, blocks, and other content to swamps
Description: Tiny mod that tries to eliminate those kind of situations when "I wanted to hit the mob, not the grass". Now you can hit mobs behind the grass!
Description: This is a small Client Side mod that allows you to use Tab for Opening and Closing your inventory.
Description: Taffy Jump is a simple and tiny mod that allows you to jump over fences or walls
Description: Extends vanilla tools with modular tool crafting functionality
Description: Allows customising the toast notification popups
Description: Adds a toolbelt item for storing quick-swappable tools
Description: This mod adds tall towers in your world, inspired by The Legend Of Zelda : Breath Of The Wild
Description: Just a simple mod to stop farmland form getting trampled
Description: Adds a trash slot to survival inventories
Description: Traverse adds a tonne of new biomes to your world
Description: The Unity resource pack follows the traditional Minecraft aesthetics but adds subtle depth and more natural colors
Description: Menus and GUIs are now dark and noisy
Description: Mods are retextured using the Unity pack for vanilla Minecraft as a base and will have unique design characteristics tied in to stay true to the original
Description: The focus of Upgrade Aquatic is to improve content added in the Update Aquatic, including oceans, rivers and insomnia
Description: Adds some useful hats to the game
Description: This mod adds three types of worlds that players can access by crafting the corresponding portals: Mining Portal, Void Portal, and Garden Portal
Description: oitsjustjose's collection of vanilla+ features and tweaks
Description: Valhelsia Structures is a mod that generates new structures such as abandoned buildings and dungeons
Description: Adds additional uses for vanilla foodstuffs
Description: Venture is a mod that adds new structures into the game that encourages more exploration
Description: Hooks into HWYLA to provide additional information
Description: A client-side add-on for Waila or Hwyla that adds information about the harvestability of what you are looking at
Description: Allows jumping off of walls
Description: A minimal, vanilla-esque magic mod adding additional use for enchanted books
Description: A self-contained magic mod adding a fast travel mechanism
Description: Makes wither skull farming less of a gigantic grind
Description: A server-friendly mob farm mod
Description: YUNG's Better Caves completely overhauls Minecraft's cave systems
Description: Completely revamps vanilla abandoned mineshafts, changing them from boring straight lines into dynamic, varied webs of tunnels
Description: Covalent is an accompanying mod for Charm, providing barrels, chests, and bookshelf chests using wood types from various other mods
Description: Hierarchical view rendering for minecraft with animation support and an anchor based layout system