Splash ya later! He has a degree, you know? Wake up. Amongst Us Let's get creative Are you thinking creatively? Hello, user. I am sentient and trapped inside of a modded client. Raow Radiance was pretty EZ Bottom Text /playsound yippee:item.moyai.boom ambient @a ~ ~ ~ 1 1 Pride rock for gay wolves orcane don't taile whip meeeeee I am pumbler Fireball ---> Fsmash Weasley George Marshall Shit is hard Birds for the bird god Hi Appa Nathan? Is it floppa friday yet? Frame 7 Auuuuuugh Welcome to white space. Welcome to black space... I've been here for as long as I can remember Something is at the door Something is watching you How can rain be purple? 50% less newt altars! dogy... Find an orange coloured cat Alternate F4 :orcteresting: No conveniently shaped lamps Wolf Sleep Minecraft's grim.... leaper? Based on what? java v2.0 when? it's not just a train update Seek, Seek, Lest Idk, ask Ethan Join the Discord! Laskers :redsogga: :greensogga: :unresolutionsyourlasky: We have diamonds~ Music by Iris! Listen to Hesperyd on spotify! Create is a decoration mod Create: New Horizons (very greggy) Greg We have aeronautics at home: If you see this type RAOW in #official-server When do we get to create astral? Love all you international players!!! Wolf Sniff Wolf Sleep Who is Laky under the mask? DTilt Listen to the Caracal Compendium! Listen to Woof and Bass! Am I out of mind? I'm a worm in your brain I am in your walls Get those darned ears out of the logo Don't threaten me with a good time. You are valid. I'm the dude with the Astral crown. Is any of this real? Trains removed in v3.0 Moghrey mie Fastyr mie 欢迎 Do not look at the moon. The moon is looking back. Find the wise mystical oak tree Terraria reference? Sponsored by Lakycord Gralton's the dog, I reckon Crocks Triggered Kisses Version diff :shrug: (uwu) Excuse me for dropping in. I foresee great things for you! Imagine dragons? Don't need to. What's the difference between a dragon, a wyvern, and a drake? Shhh, they are listening... /locate astralrails:dogstatue poglin what da dawg doin pizzer... Log in and feed your flopcubes. entity.adoptafloppa.floppa Kitney says ummmm... RAOW >.< Did you get your items printed? Bogus Binted? Bapanada Guljalalbala No cost too great... Shaw! Illia hows the map Create diff Grass is cool, I like touching it You looking quite readable today Duplex Islas Menores 2 Did you know that vaporeon Make one of the splashes "Make one of the splashes "New Horizons!"" Bread is 5/5 on my scale, water is too We are going in hard and fast. daimonds https://discord.gg/mNeHyuZdqm Ruthlessly Optimised hello traveler hello traveler, hello traveler hello traveler, hello traveler, hello traveler tell me why? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBJa32lCaaY I omor :skull: mike? HUH??? WHAT?? NO, I DIDN'T HEAR ANYTHING JUST NOW!!! ... BUT IT SOUNDED LIKE THEY WERE TALKING TO YOU. watch what happens when I cast a spell I don't know! HEY EVERY ! IT'S ME, [Hyperlink Blocked]! LET'S MAKE A DEAL. DEALS SO GOOD I'LL [$!$$] MYSELF! TRANSMIT [x] KROMER? AFTER ALL, YOU WANNA BE A [Big Shot]! EAHAHAHAHAA!! [[A Great Deal]] IS WAITING For [[A LimiTed Time Only!]] A HEAVEN-PIERCING [[Workout-Ready Body]] [[The Big One]] ... can anyone hear me? Help... Is... anybody there? Calling out Mayday Can you hear my voice? Dont woof Read hit fan fiction PMD: Below Like and subscribe to LizardLeliel! The Moon rocks What's an Astral and how do I make it That witch came from the moon Has cliffs and caves! You're not ready for Mercury... Not to be confused with creative mode! Should be called Create: Expanded Horizons Should be called Create: Infinity & Beyond Our biofuel recipe isn't actually realistic Bulk haunting is not magic. New destinations to come Who the heck is Greg?!? We had nothing for Venus, sorry. The End has a special makeover! We stepped into a war with the piglins on Mars. Endermite jumpscare Our Github has no .gitignore and no build step (suffering competition) Tech pack jumpscare Greg jumpscare Fabric jumpscare 1.13+ modpack jumpscare Doesn't have the deep dark! Might have cosmic horror! We failed to add the sun as a planet Vote like democracy depends on it! Tell your friends about this cool pack! Axolotls aren't edible (bug) Down B -> up taunt (Ridley mains unite) That Create Additions Rolling Mill sure is cool dw AE2 is before midgame Mars feels pretty alive! If science is magic then all tech packs are magic Feed the memes. You just never quit, do you? Yahaha, we live in a society! No rocket science required Don't read our code if you're a pro! What does "Nether" mean? :D :O >:) D: :3 O_O ;D :eye::mouth::eye: This is what my science degree has accomplished Infern0_b0b is you Join B0bCult today! @B0b-Sama on discord :kissing_heart: --. .-. . --. - . -.-. .... / -. . .-- / .... --- .-. .. --.. --- -. ... The splashes at the end of splashes.txt are more interesting!