Description: A mod aimed to spice up builds relating to factories, industrial buildings, etc., by adding a variety of new blocks to play around with
Description: This mod adds many new lights
Description: A decoration and furniture mod
Description: Air Hop adds a single fully fletched out enchantment by the same name for jumping multiple times; and all of that while in mid-air
Description: Adds 5 new cave biomes to the Overworld, with new mechanics, blocks, and items
Description: Cross-mod interactions for Alex's Mobs and Farmer's Delight
Description: Adds 89 new mobs
Description: Adds interactions between the various mobs of Alex's Mobs
Description: Adds a variety of new enchantments and curses
Description: Unifies various ores, gems, and other resources
Description: A efficient and non-locational redstone dust implementation. Its main focus lies in reducing the lag caused by redstone dust, by optimizing the power calculations and reducing the number of shape and block updates emitted
Description: This mod adds ambient color noise to the biome colors of the game
Description: A very configurable mod focused around tweaks to many of existing vanilla blocks.
Description: Adds various furniture blocks, all with the goal of staying vanilla-styled and consistently sized, keeping normal blocks and player sizes in mind
Description: A mostly Vanilla+ content mod
Description: Cross-mod interactions for Apotheosis and a variety of other mods
Description: Provides UI for the vanilla saturation and exhaustion mechanics
Description: Cross-mod interactions for Applied Energistics 2 and Cooking for Blockheads
Description: A robust, high-tech storage mod
Description: A collection of blocks designed to bring new colors and textures to your builds
Description: Artifacts is a mod which aims to make exploration more rewarding by adding various powerful items that cannot be crafted
Description: Raises internal caps on entity attributes
Description: Adds autumnal biomes and other content tied to the autumn season, including mobs, foods, and building blocks
Description: Beacons For All is a mod that allows beacons to affect more than just players
Description: Adds lots of vanilla-styled ways to spice up your builds with custom models
Description: Bedspreads is a mod that allows players to add banner patterns to their beds, kind of like what they can already do with shields
Description: Improves the Advancements UI/UX
Description: Adds about 700+ blocks, lanterns, chairs, tables & chains. Change the look of a lot of blocks, craft furniture & decorate
Description: Adds a wide spread of decorative blocks
Description: Buzzier Bees expands upon the 1.15 "Buzzy Bees" update adding in new building blocks, items, flowers, and much more
Description: This mod adds a working camera item and a frame for the images
Description: A general performance optimization mod and unofficial fork of Lithium
Description: A universal mod list menu for all modloaders
Description: Wind Chimes produce ambient chiming sounds when hung from supporting blocks and can be interacted with
Description: Adds a wide spread of decorative variants of existing blocks
Description: Adds a wide spread of decorative variants of existing blocks
Description: Adds a variety of passive chunk loader blocks
Description: Very simple and efficient mod to climb ladders faster. Should also work with other climbing mechanics like vines
Description: Groups XP orbs together on the ground to minimize lag, and makes picking them *all* up on contact instant
Description: A decorative mod that adds a various assortment of furniture, blocks, paintings, and more
Description: An addon for Farmer's Delight with foods scavenged from the wild
Description: Adds extra bed types with altered behavior
Description: A shader pack for Minecraft Java Edition with exceptional attention to detail, high standards of quality, and top tier optimisation
Description: Cross-mod interactions for Create & PneumaticCraft
Description: A simple and lightweight mod that dynamically creates configuration menus for every mod with a supported config system
Description: Allows you to search for keybinds by name, show conflicts, and show unbound keys
Description: Adds a simple way to cook complicated foods, as well as a variety of related kitchen blocks
Description: Allows you to use different armour for display than what you are wearing for stats/effects
Description: Adds buttons to many supported Crafting Tables (including modded ones) allowing you to quickly rotate, balance or clear the crafting grid
Description: A tech mod built around rotational/mechanical power and movement
Description: Offers Create-based tools and methods to automate food processing for other mods
Description: Create Deco is the best mod around for taking your industrial, urban, or steampunk builds to the next level
Description: Cross-mod interactions for Applied Energistics 2 and Create
Description: Add-on for the Create mod that focuses on the player experience, adding 36 new decorative and utility blocks specifically suited for Create builds & contraptions
Description: A Create mod add-on adding quality-of-life blocks that you wish existed in Create
Description: Adds a wide variety of copycat blocks, which can take on the textures of other blocks
Description: Acts as a bridge between Forge Energy (FE) and kinetic energy from Create
Description: A Create addon focused on QOL decoration features that expand on the base decoration ability of Create whilst focusing on community feedback
Description: Cross-mod interactions for Create & Alex's Caves
Description: A Create mod add-on adding immersive andesite and brass chunk loaders to Minecraft
Description: Curious armor stands is a simple mod that allows armor stands to equip and display curios
Description: Tracks player death counts
Description: Displays the coordinates of player deaths on the death screen and in chat
Description: A small mod that adds several new decorative blocks
Description: Dings when Minecraft finishes loading
Description: Makes tamable mobs in Minecraft not only useful and engaging, but promotes the taming of mobs as a playstyle by giving massive improvements to how tame mobs behave and interact with the world
Description: Further extends end-game Mana and Artifice content
Description: Adds a book that can morph into any other mod documentation book
Description: Aims to improve various Vanilla biomes by adding fun new mobs, blocks, and more, all while staying completely true to the Vanilla style
Description: Adds alternate building/block placement mods
Description: A magic mod that draws on a lot of different inspirations, with aspects of alchemy and theurgy
Description: Allows you to wear an Elytra in a Curios back slot, rather than replacing your chest armour with it
Description: A performance mod, primarily affecting the rendering pipeline
Description: A performant dynamic lighting addon for Embeddium
Description: Adds many features to Embeddium
Description: Embers is best described as a dwarven magic tech mod
Description: Adds descriptions of enchantments to the tooltip of enchanted items and enchanted books
Description: Farmer's Delight addon with End-related foods
Description: Uses async path-tracing to skip rendering Block/Entities that are not visible
Description: A configurable client-side mod that simply makes it easier to compare equipment at a glance
Description: Adds cross-mod blocks and textures for modded wood types
Description: Adds a spread of factory/industrial-themed blocks
Description: Adds a bunch of decorative hanging lights
Description: A mod that gently expands upon farming and cooking in Minecraft
Description: A simple Minecraft Forge mod that speeds up leaf decay after you cut down the wood in a tree
Description: Improves the performance of furnace entities
Description: Improves the performance of workbench entities
Description: Configurable set anvil repair costs to a fixed amount
Description: Adds a bunch of new structures to the various overworld biomes
Description: Allow configurable mobs / entities to pass the mobGriefing gamerule when mobGriefing is set to false
Description: Adds Extra Utilities-inspired glasses
Description: Lets you default or override gamerules as part of a modpack
Description: Adds over 250 furniture pieces
Description: Adds a variety of new building blocks, you can create cozy homes and stunning landscapes like never before
Description: Adds new behaviors for the Sniffer, several new plants for it to dig up, including a new woodset, and an entirely new cave biome, housing all these wonders
Description: Allows you to train data models and run simulations, producing mob predictions, which can be used to generate mob loot
Description: Improves the immediate mode rendering performance of the client
Description: Infinite Trading is a minimalistic mod which prevents villager trades from locking up, making them always available and allowing infinite trading
Description: Adds exciting new buttons
Description: Adds heavily detailed structures using blocks and mobs from Quark, Alex’s Mobs, and Create, with optional integrated with many other mods
Description: Completely overhauls the boring old Minecraft stronghold structure with tons of heavily detailed rooms to explore, and integrates Supplementaries/Quark decorations and Create mod doors, puzzles, traps, and more
Description: Configurable display of inventory contents, armor, weapon, and potion effects on the HUD
Description: Adds useful inventory management functionality
Description: Displays a large version of any block hovered over in the inventory
Description: Adds ore processing compatibility to many mods
Description: Provides information on what you're looking at
Description: Lets you jump over fences
Description: In-game item and recipe viewer
Description: Lets you create scripts in JavaScript language to manage your server, add new blocks and items, change recipes and tags, add custom handlers for quest mods, change worldgen and more
Description: Create integration for KubeJS
Description: Generates very rare, very large deposits of ores
Description: Provides users with an NEI-like light level overlay on pressing F7
Description: Work-around for some bugs in tag handling
Description: Protects the player during login and dimension change/respawn teleport from any harm, until the loading screen is over
Description: Each container that has a loot table (supporting chests, trapped chests, barrels, shulkers and minecarts) gets a unique inventory for each player who opens it
Description: Cozy Home is a mod that aims to add much more than just furniture, but personality and expression to your builds
Description: This simple mod adds small variations of bridges
Description: Adds a variety of new doors
Description: Adds a variety of new fences, walls, and gates
Description: Adds a variety of furniture blocks
Description: Adds a variety of seasonal holiday decorative blocks
Description: Adds a variety of new light sources
Description: Adds a variety of additional paintings in a vanilla-friendly style
Description: Adds a variety of additional path and paving blocks
Description: Adds a variety of roofing blocks
Description: Adds a variety of new trapdoors
Description: Adds a variety of window blocks
Description: Adds new special accessories to make certain aspects of the game more enjoyable
Description: Adds a variety of new enchantments and curses
Description: The official spiritual successor to Ars Magica 2, Mana and Artifice is a new take on adding magic to the world
Description: A vanilla-friendly mini-map/world-view mod using vanilla Maps
Description: An all-in-one mod that improves performance, reduces memory usage, and fixes many bugs in modern Minecraft versions
Description: Adds over 200 buttons
Description: Mouse Tweaks replaces the standard RMB dragging mechanic, adds two new LMB dragging mechanics and an ability to quickly move items with the scroll wheel
Description: A mod all about adding functioning and useful furniture and decoration, including a fully working mail system
Description: Nature's Compass is a utility item that allows you to search for a biome's location anywhere in the world and view information about it
Description: Adds a variety of ice cream, cake, and milkshake flavours
Description: Ensures you go back out the same portal you came in :o
Description: Farmer's Delight addon with Nether-related foods
Description: Adds a variety of new decorative light sources to your game, from fairy lights to night lights
Description: Cross-mod interactions for Create and Occultism
Description: A ritual magic system centered around summonable spirits
Description: An Embeddium-based shader mod
Description: Enables Flywheel's optimisations when using Oculus shaders
Description: Ornamental aims to give you various decorative blocks of existing blocks with little freedom of shape
Description: This mod allows armor values over 20 to be displayed as different colored icons
Description: This mod removes collision from leaves and reduce the damage when falling into leaves
Description: Lets you click-through signs, banners, item frames, and paintings to access chests/etc. behind them
Description: Paxi is a simple mod for global, automatic data and resource packs
Description: Whenever you collect an item from the ground it will be shown in a neat little list in the bottom right corner of your screen, moving away after just a few seconds
Description: A steam-based technology mod
Description: Nice additions to worldgen, decorative blocks, and some minor mechanics changes
Description: Vazkii's highly configurable vanilla+, quirk, fix, and tweak mod
Description: Cross-mod interactions for Farmer's Delight and Quark
Description: Vazkii's player-focused-design addon to Quark
Description: Adds a wide spread of decorative variants of existing blocks
Description: Adds Rechiseled variants of Applied Energistics 2 blocks
Description: Allows using the Rechiseled chisel to create Chipped block variants
Description: Adds Rechiseled variants of Create blocks, and a Create-automated chisel
Description: Adds multi-block and single-block stone lanterns
Description: Adds a large amount of new biomes with new blocks
Description: Adds dozens of unique items with complex and thoughtful mechanics and a relic growth/leveling system
Description: Cross-mod interactions for Alex's Mobs and Relics
Description: A mod adding a variety of useful, magical artifacts, as well as a new potion system
Description: A performance optimization mod designed to optimize Minecraft's memory usage
Description: Scannable provides a scanner item that can survey the nearby area for points of interest
Description: Allows modpack developers to forcibly update per-world/save serverconfig files
Description: Set World Spawn is a minimalistic configurable mod which allows setting an exact custom spawn point
Description: Adds a bunch of new lights to the game
Description: Cross-mod interactions for Tetra and a variety of other mods
Description: Adds backpacks you can place in world, color in different color combinations, upgrade with more inventory and enhance with many functional upgrades
Description: Adds advanced barrels, chests, and shulker boxes you can color in different color combinations, upgrade with more inventory and enhance with many functional upgrades
Description: Adds Binding Chains to the world, which can be used to make any item soulbound
Description: Adds a Step enchantment that lets you automatically step up 1-high rises
Description: Adds a storage system focused around drawers with GUIless interactivity
Description: A highly configurable Forge mod focused on adding valuable content which fills the gaps vanilla has
Description: A world generation project that aims to transform how terrain is shaped
Description: Tetra revolves around modular items and attempts to blend it together with other concepts such as adventure and technology
Description: Cross-mod interactions for Tetra and a variety of other mods
Description: Cross-mod interactions for Tetra and a variety of other mods
Description: Adds Redstone Gates: both full block gates (repeater sized), and when installed with Tiny Redstone, very tiny redstone gates that you can use to form tiny integrated circuits
Description: Adds many tiny redstone pieces that you can put together to form tiny redstone circuits
Description: Allows customising the toast notification popups
Description: Adds BotW-inspired towers to worldgen, with Waystones at the top
Description: Just a simple mod to stop farmland form getting trampled
Description: Adds a trash slot to survival inventories
Description: Farmer's Delight addon that adds foods sourced from monsters and other hostile mobs
Description: The focus of Upgrade Aquatic is to improve content added in the Update Aquatic, including oceans, rivers and insomnia
Description: oitsjustjose's collection of vanilla+ features and tweaks
Description: Adds a variety of new chairs, stools, tables, curtains, and more
Description: Valhelsia Structures is a mod that generates new structures such as abandoned buildings and dungeons
Description: A self-contained magic mod adding a fast travel mechanism
Description: Makes wither skull farming less of a gigantic grind
Description: Redesigns vanilla desert temples to be way more exciting, adding a variety of new puzzles, traps, & parkour challenges
Description: Redesigns vanilla dungeons while also adding three new dungeons: Catacombs, Fortresses of the Undead, and Spider Caves
Description: Completely redesigns jungle temples from the ground up, featuring a completely new design, traps, puzzles, and loot
Description: Completely revamps vanilla abandoned mineshafts, changing them from boring straight lines into dynamic, varied webs of tunnels
Description: Completely redesigns Nether fortresses from the ground up. Compared to vanilla, Better Fortresses are much larger, more complex, and more rewarding
Description: Fundamentally redesigns ocean monuments to be much more engaging and rewarding
Description: A complete redesign of Minecraft strongholds like never before, making them much more complex and exciting while still staying true to vanilla themes
Description: Adds multiple new hut variants that can spawn as well as a witch's circle. Huts now have better designs and more meaningful loot
Description: Adds worldgen bridges across rivers
Description: Adds a myriad of structures, features, and vanilla+ content
Description: Disables the Experimental Settings popup, which appears when you create or load world